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Racism Without Racists- an analysis

February 20, 2008


Eduardo Bonilla-Silva’s Racism Without Racists: Colorblind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in the United States is so important for understanding the new form that racism has taken, “colorblind racism”. This is the racism that I have been observing for quite some time but couldn’t put my finger on. I have heard the 4 […]

white studies: connecting the pieces

February 20, 2008


In opposition to the work of racialist scientists of the 20th century, geneticists, biologists, historians, and anti-racialist social scientists among others revealed and scientifically established that there are no genetic markers for race, deconstructing the notion of “race” as biological hence predetermined, inevitable, unchanging, natural, and normal. The “statement on ‘race'” published by the American […]

whiteness, racism, and colorblindness

February 8, 2008


This blog is a project for Black Studies 410: Topics: White Studies, Winter 2008 at Portland State University. Among our goals is integrating theory and action, and I hope to gain more tools and solidarities in fighting racism by examining my role in the structure of whiteness and white culture in maintaining and perpetuating systemic […]